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About EmTone

A revolution to the cosmetic surgery industry, EmTone is the very first multi-modal nonsurgical cellulite reduction procedure using thermal monopolar radiofrequency and mechanical targeted pressure energy to profoundly alter the structure of the connective tissues that are responsible for cellulite. The result is increased collagen production and a significantly smoother appearance. Additional benefits include the fact that all women of any size and BMI are eligible for the procedure and in a short, 20-minute procedure time.

Best Candidates

Any healthy man or woman with cellulite is a candidate for EmTone. While men can experience cellulite, women are far more likely to suffer. In fact, approximately 90% of women have cellulite on at least one area of their body. Because of the combined use of applied pressure and radiofrequency energy, patients of all sizes and weights can choose EmTone to help them achieve smoother, more youthful skin. EmTone works best when patients undergo four treatments.

Your Consultation

During your consultation at our upscale facility, you will meet with Dr. MaryAnn Millar who will work to understand your aesthetic goals before creating a treatment plan to help you achieve them. If you are interested in combining cellulite reduction with other procedures for a full-body effect, speak candidly during your visit with Dr. Millar so that your treatment plan can be tailored as comprehensively as possible.

Procedure Technique

During your treatment, radiofrequency energy is delivered to your treatment area from the tip of the EmTone handpiece, warming your skin just enough to ignite a cellular change. A grounding pad is placed between the handpiece and your skin so that your skin is unaffected during the procedure. While the energy is working to stimulate collagen, acoustic waves travel through your body to disrupt the structures responsible for cellulite.

What to Expect

In the weeks and months following your procedure, new collagen growth will be stimulated and tissue circulation will be improved so your results will be revealed slowly but surely. Visible improvement of cellulite is typically most noticeable after four sessions performed twice a week for two weeks. The results from EmTone are not considered permanent and may require occasional touch-up sessions to protect and prolong the quality of your results.

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