What Else Fillers Can Do for You!
Fillers, such as the Juvederm we use at Level Up Med Spa, is an injectable used to plump the skin. When injected fillers help replace the collagen lost in our skin with age. Fillers can help improve the skins appearance by adding volume to lips, plumping the skin around the jowls, improving dark circles and sagging skin. Fillers are safe and FDA approved, when injected by our experienced team at Level Up they can be an effective solution to aging skin. What you may not know is Fillers can do more than just improve your face!
Your Hands
With time our hands loss of collagen can show your age instantly. As we age wrinkles, veins and tendons become more visible on the top of our hands. Fillers can effectively plump the skin on your hands, hiding your age and smoothing your skin.
Your Nose
Fillers can help shape your nose all without surgery! Known as the “no-knife nose job”, fillers can help smooth a nasal hump, create symmetry or shape the nose tip. In fact, dermal fillers are known to last longer in the nose than any other part of the body. With effects lasting up to 1-2 years when injected by a professional correctly.
Your Ears
After years of heavy earnings your earlobes stretch and sag. Shrink your pierced ear hole back to its original size with the help of fillers. Like the nose, the effect of fillers will last longer in the ears because of the lack of movement in this part of your body. Leaving you with plumper more youthful looking earlobes.
Schedule A Consult
At Level Up Med Spa we believe enhancing your body’s appearance can enhance your inner confidence. Let fillers help bring youth to your skin! Call (978) 409-0126 to schedule your complimentary consultation.